Goldie Appointment Booking App: Features, Reviews, Pricing in 2024

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Introduction to Goldie Appointment Booking App

Goldie offers a straightforward for appointment scheduling solution. It is designed specifically to meet the needs of small businesses across various sectors. As a free app, it helps businesses efficiently manage their schedules and enhance client interactions without the overhead of complex features or high costs. Goldie simplifies the booking process for both businesses and their clients.

Goldie Appointment Booking App Feature Breakdown

Goldie provides a core set of features designed to facilitate effective scheduling and communication:

1. Online Appointment Booking

Clients can book appointments directly through Goldie’s platform, available 24/7, making it convenient for users to manage their schedules at any time.

2. Email and SMS Notifications

Goldie sends automatic email and SMS notifications to inform both service providers and clients about appointment bookings and any updates or changes.

3. Calendar Integration

The app integrates with Google Calendar to synchronize their appointments and personal schedules in one central location.

4. Mobile App Accessibility

Goldie offers dedicated mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices, ensuring that users can manage their appointments and client communications on the go.

Additional Considerations

While Goldie covers essential functionalities for appointment scheduling, it lacks features for group appointments, multi-language support. It also lacks integrations with payment gateways like Stripe, as well as platforms like Shopify and HubSpot. These limitations make it most suitable for individual practitioners or small businesses that do not require advanced integration or multi-lingual capabilities.

Goldie Appointment Booking App Pricing:

Goldie stands out by offering its basic scheduling features for free, with affordable plans available for those looking to expand their use of the platform. This pricing strategy makes Goldie particularly appealing to startups and small businesses watching their budget while still needing reliable scheduling tools.

Goldie Appointment Booking App Review:

Goldie Appointments scores a Capterra rating of 4.8 See latest reviews

Download Goldie Appointment Booking App:

Goldie Appointment scheduling app can also be downloaded on iOS and Android.
Goldie Appointment scheduling app can also be downloaded here.


Goldie is an ideal choice for small businesses, freelancers, and solo practitioners looking for a simple and effective way to manage their scheduling needs. Its user-friendly interface and basic feature set provide just what is necessary to facilitate smooth appointment scheduling and client communication, without the complications and costs associated with more complex systems.