Manage your training schedule effortlessly, without the stomach-churning anxiety of overbooking or underbooking your sessions.

Appointos is an appointment scheduling tool that will automates your scheduling process. Booking links, automated reminders, integrations, and more save you hours of time so you can focus on training your clients. No design or coding skills required. 

Trusted by 10000+ Brands, 5 ⭐ App Store Rating, 24/7 Customer Support.
Focus on reps rather than reservations

The booking solution personal trainers trust to lift their business

Online Booking Widget & Shareable Links

Appointo's online booking widget and shareable links make it easy for clients to view your real-time availability and reserve their preferred slots in just a few clicks. No more back-and-forth over phone or email, just a streamlined booking process that keeps your schedule full and your clients happy.

Automatic reminders

Minimize no-shows with Appointo's automatic reminders via text, email, or WhatsApp.Customize the messages to add your own flair – whether it's a motivational quote or a friendly reminder to bring a towel.

Real-time calendar sync

With Appointo's two-way Google and Outlook real-time synchronization, your schedule will always be up to date. There will be no more scheduling conflicts, or missed appointments. You can navigate your day with confidence, knowing that your calendar is as tight as your glutes.

Offer virtual music lessons

Appointo generates unique Zoom and Google Meet links for each new booking & sends it to all participants.

This makes it easy for you and your clients to join your virtual training sessions without breaking a sweat (well, at least not from trying to figure out the technology).

Cut down on admin work

Appointo is the solution to every personal trainer's stressful and unproductive day because they were too busy shuffling appointments from demanding clients

Let your clients pick a slot they like, cancel if they can't make it or reschedule their session. All WITHOUT having to call, text or email you. They 'll love the convenience. And you won't have to do the boring admin work. 

  • Set a buffer time between sessions to catch your breath and prepare for the next client. Appointo's calendar blocking feature helps you avoid back-to-back bookings and keeps you energized throughout the day.
  • Collect payments upfront with Appointo's secure Stripe integrations. No more chasing down clients for missed sessions or awkward money talks during workouts.
Easy Appointment Booking Setup

Step-by-Step: Scheduling with Appointo Explained

Add appointment booking app to your website with no-code!

Create your account. No credit card required.
Set up Services
Create services and configure it as per your business needs.
You are set!
Booking link will be automatically generated. You're all set and ready to go!
Whether you're training clients at the gym, in the park, or online. Appointo is perfect.

Easily scale your business and accommodate your growing client base with Appointo, without overworking or overspending

As your client base grows, Appointo automates time-consuming tasks like booking, rescheduling, and sending reminders, saving you hours each week. This means you can take on more clients without sacrificing your work-life balance or the quality of your services. 

  • Set up bookable time slots of varying durations — 15-min cardio, 30-min HIIT, or 60-min yoga — to accommodate different types of training sessions.
  • Add your fellow trainers to your account and let them set their working hours, see their appointments and even cancel if required. 
  • Customize Appointo's booking widget to match your branding and create a seamless experience for your clients, no matter where they find you - your website, social media, or email signature.
Empowering More Than 10,000 Businesses Worldwide

Customer Experiences: Booking through Appointo

Marcela Giocanti

Great app for scheduling your website booking and has excellent, friendly and swift customer support responses. I would highly recommend this app

Futstep Professional

Amazing app to have in a store where you need to make bookings or appointments.The integration is seamless and smooth. The appinto team helps you with every step.

Self Expansion Method (UK)

This one is the best by far. If you need subscriptions and lots of customizations, this is the one for you. Developers go out of their way to help you.


Frequently asked questions

How does online booking work for clients?

Clients can easily book training sessions directly through a booking widget on your website or by using a custom booking link you provide. They simply view your available time slots and book their preferred slot in just a few clicks.

Can I block off dates when I'm not available?

Yes, you can easily mark specific dates as unavailable in the calendar to prevent any bookings during times when you'll be out or unable to train clients. 

Can multiple clients book the same group training session?

Absolutely. The group booking feature allows you to set a capacity for each time slot, so multiple clients can book the same group session until it reaches the maximum number.

How do session reminders work?

Automated email, text, and WhatsApp reminders are sent to clients based on their upcoming sessions. You can customize the reminder content to match your brand voice.

Do clients need to download any special apps or software?

No, clients can book sessions directly through your website or the booking link. Appointo runs seamlessly through any web browser or mobile device.

Can I collect additional client information during booking?

Yes, you can create custom intake forms requiring clients to provide details like their fitness goals, injuries, or specific needs when booking. This allows you to better prepare for each training session.

How does my scheduling work with Appointo?

You get a personal login to access and manage your own calendar and bookings from any device, preventing any scheduling overlaps.

Can clients reschedule or cancel sessions themselves?

Yes, Appointo provides client portals where they can easily reschedule, cancel, or modify their bookings online as needed, without contacting you directly.

Can I offer multi-day camps or workshops?

Definitely. Appointo supports offering single sessions as well as multi-day camps, boot camps, or workshops spanning consecutive days.

How does Appointo prevent double-bookings?

The two-way calendar sync updates in real-time across scheduling channels like your Google and Outlook calendars, eliminating any accidental double-bookings.

Can I brand the booking experience?

Yes, you can fully customize the booking widget and client portals with your logo, colors, and branding for a consistent, professional look.

Does it support multiple languages?

Yes, Appointo automatically translates the booking experience and notifications into over 20 languages based on your settings, catering to a diverse client base.

Appointo Pricing plan

Straightforward Pricing, Making Appointment Booking Easy

Pro Plan




Better insights for growing businesses that want more customers.

  • Supports group appointments, Google, Outlook calendar and Zoom Integrations
  • Sends automated emails and text for reminders, confirmations, rescheduling, etc
  • Customer Booking Portal through which customers can manage their bookings
  • Additional Team Members @ $6/m
  • Unlimited Services and Unlimited Bookings
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