Schedule interviews quickly, and fill open roles faster without endless email threads 

With real-time availability display, customizable intake forms, and automated reminders, Appointo simplifies the interview logistics process from start to finish. Ideal for high-volume hiring. Set it up in 2 minutes. No coding skills required. 

Trusted by 10000+ Brands, 5 ⭐ App Store Rating, 24/7 Customer Support.
If your hair is turning gray from Interview scheduling stress, Appointo can help

Scheduling software that maximizes recruiter productivity

Booking link with real-time availability 

Share your availability via a booking link or embed the self-scheduling widget right on your careers site. Candidates can then view your team's real-time availability and self-book interviews with just a few clicks. No endless emails required. 

Automatic reminders

Frustrated by candidates not showing up after scheduling? Send reminders via WhatsApp, email, or text to minimize no-shows. Customize your message to reinforce your employment brand - reiterate role highlights, or simply wish candidates good luck before their interviews.

Customizable intake form

Design custom intake forms that get filled out seamlessly during the booking process. Have candidates' work histories, skill assessments, and must-have qualifications at your fingertips before they arrive to conduct informed, efficient interviews.

Zoom/Google Meet integration

Appointo automatically generates and shares unique Zoom/Google Meet links with everyone involved. Your interviews start without a hitch - no more hunting for the right link or wondering how to join the call.

Cut down on admin work

Eliminate scheduling hurdles that prevent you from connecting with top talent quickly.

Give interviewers their personal logins to self-manage calendars independently. They can block dates, set availability, reschedule interviews, and more without your involvement.

  • Avoid overbookings by setting capacity limits per time slot.
  • Eliminate double bookings by syncing Appointo with interviewers' Google/Outlook calendars.
  • Avoid last-minute bookings and give hiring managers time to relax between back-to-back interviews by setting a buffer time between interviews. 
Easy Appointment Booking Setup

Step-by-Step: Scheduling with Appointo Explained

Add appointment booking app to your website with no-code!

Create your account. No credit card required.
Set up Services
Create services and configure it as per your business needs.
You are set!
Booking link will be automatically generated. You're all set and ready to go!
Provide a great candidate experience 

Don't lose top talent to a frustrating scheduling experience. Wow candidates from the first interaction with Appointo

From mobile-friendly self-scheduling to automated reminders reinforcing your employer brand, Appointo ensures a seamless experience that leaves candidates impressed from the start. 

  • Candidates can reschedule/cancel bookings themselves without calling recruiters. It saves everyone's time. 
  • Create dedicated booking pages per open role with different durations. Prevent any mix-ups or wrong interview schedules
  • Support candidates globally by automatically adjusting appointments to their local time zones.
Empowering More Than 10,000 Businesses Worldwide

Customer Experiences: Booking through Appointo

Marcela Giocanti

Great app for scheduling your website booking and has excellent, friendly and swift customer support responses. I would highly recommend this app

Futstep Professional

Amazing app to have in a store where you need to make bookings or appointments.The integration is seamless and smooth. The appinto team helps you with every step.

Self Expansion Method (UK)

This one is the best by far. If you need subscriptions and lots of customizations, this is the one for you. Developers go out of their way to help you.


Frequently asked questions

How does online scheduling work for candidates? 

Candidates can book interviews directly through an embeddable booking widget on your careers site or by using a custom booking link you share. They simply view your team's available time slots and self-schedule their preferred interview in just a few clicks.

Can I block off dates when interviewers are unavailable? 

Yes, you can easily mark specific dates as unavailable in the calendar to prevent any bookings during times when you'll be out or unable to train clients. 

Can multiple candidates book the same group interview? 

Absolutely. The group booking feature allows you to set a capacity for each time slot, so multiple candidates can book the same session until it reaches the maximum.

How do interview reminders work?

Automated email, text, and WhatsApp reminders are sent to candidates based on their upcoming interviews. You can fully customize the reminder messaging to reinforce your employer brand.

Do candidates need any special apps or software? 

No, candidates can self-schedule interviews directly through your website or booking link. Appointo runs seamlessly through any modern web browser or mobile device.

Can I collect candidate profiles during booking? 

Yes, you can create custom intake forms requiring candidates to provide details like their resume, work samples, or specific role interests when booking interviews. This information is then pre-populated for interviewing teams.

How does interviewer scheduling work? 

Each interviewer gets a personal Appointo login to access and manage their own calendar, preventing any scheduling overlaps across the entire hiring team.

Can candidates reschedule interviews themselves?

Yes, Appointo provides candidate portals where they can easily reschedule, cancel, or modify their bookings online as needed, without contacting recruiters directly.

Can I manage hiring for multiple open roles? 

Definitely. Appointo allows you to create dedicated booking links and pages for each role you're hiring for to streamline the scheduling process.

How does Appointo prevent double-bookings? 

The two-way calendar sync updates in real-time across your interviewers' scheduling channels like Google and Outlook calendars, eliminating any accidental double bookings.

Can I brand the candidate scheduling experience? 

Yes, you can fully customize the booking widget with your company logo, colors, and branding for a consistent, on-brand experience.

Does it provide multilingual support? 

Yes, Appointo automatically translates the entire scheduling and booking experience into over 20 languages to cater to a global candidate pool.

Appointo Pricing plan

Straightforward Pricing, Making Appointment Booking Easy

Pro Plan




Better insights for growing businesses that want more customers.

  • Supports group appointments, Google, Outlook calendar and Zoom Integrations
  • Sends automated emails and text for reminders, confirmations, rescheduling, etc
  • Customer Booking Portal through which customers can manage their bookings
  • Additional Team Members @ $6/m
  • Unlimited Services and Unlimited Bookings
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